The hormone sleep connection, decoded.

Feel like you're on a roller coaster of hormone havoc?

Whether you're experiencing monthly PMS or are in the throws of perimenopause,

your hormones don't hate you. You just need to understand what they're doing.

In particular, your sleep and hormone health are intricately connected.

Find it hard to sleep right before your period?

No coincidence.

Noticing hot flashes or night sweats?

No coincidence.

More anxious and find it hard to turn your brain off at night?

No coincidence.

Here's what you'll discover


You're not alone.

Although you might feel like you're alone in your journey, you need to know you're not.

Learn how your struggles are shared by so many women and more importantly, how you deserve to know exactly what's happening in your body AND exactly what you can do to feel your best.

What the heck your hormones are doing and how that impacts your sleep.

Understand how your hormone changes throughout your menstrual cycle AND over the course of your lifetime.

Discover how these hormone changes influence your mood, energy, sleep and metabolism AND how to support your hormone health.

Solve your hormone + sleep connection 

The cookie cutter approach to medicine doesn't work for hormone health. 

Understand exactly what's happening in your body so you can design the treatment strategy that works for you, all while being supported by a doctor who cares.

Get started right away by entering your name and email:

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By completing this form and enrolling in the Hormones 101 Mini Course, you agree to receive emails from Dr. Leigha Saunders, ND and acknowledge this course is educational in nature and enrollment does not constitute the formation of a patient-doctor relationship.

"I would have never connected my sleep issues with my hormones! I wish I learned this so long ago. I loved learning about how sleep and hormonal changes are related and that many women report it happening - I thought it was just my problem! This course helped me take the action I needed to finally fix my sleep and address my hormone health. Very informative, easy to understand! Thank you."

FINALLY - the answers you've been looking for!

You'll learn how female hormones like estrogen and progesterone change over the course of your cycles and lifetime and how and why that impacts your sleep.

  • Do a deep dive on how your hormones change after 40 and how this impacts your sleep

  • Understand your own hormonal patterns and how to track your symptoms - what exactly happens with PMS, perimenopause and menopause - no matter what stage of life you're at

  • How your sleep and hormones are intricately connected - especially if you've never slept well since having kids, if you have PMS, are in the throws of perimenopause or haven't slept well since menopause

  • Learn the evidence for using hormone replacement therapy for better sleep (pssst you don't have to be menopausal for this info to apply!)

  • Get guidance on effectively discussing your options with your healthcare providers

  • Learn what hormone tests are informative and what ones are a total waste of money

You'll understand how your hormones and sleep are connected and the treatment options available to you. You'll feel confident knowing what and how to talk to your doctor about your hormone health.

This course is made up of 10 videos that you can

watch at your own pace.

It will save you countless hours scouring the internet looking for "how to balance your hormones" and finally give you clarity and confidence in your own body.

I promise after watching the videos, you'll be
mind blown at what you've learned!

Plus a BONUS Sleep Supplement Guide

There are a ton of claims out there about taking supplements to support your sleep!

Pssst most are completely unfounded and are just marketing tactics.

I've reviewed the evidence and condensed it into this 17 page guide for you -
you'll be able to learn what supplements (like Melatonin, Magnesium, L-theanine, GABA, Valerian and more)
actually have science to support their use, including what dosages and durations have been shown to be most effective.

Hi! I'm Dr. Leigha

I know what it’s like to be choosing between family, work, your dreams or a good night's sleep.

And I know that you want to find the way to get better sleep at night to fuel the energy you want to have in the day.

As a mom, entrepreneur, community builder and naturopathic doctor on a mission to help women achieve their highest potential, I help women sleep deep at night to do what sets their soul on fire during the day.

I’ve combined my years of training and practice as a naturopathic doctor with extensive knowledge in the science of sleep after struggling with my own insomnia.

After treating thousands of women, I’ve developed a unique

5 step framework to help you fix your broken sleep and harness the power of your hormones.

(I also teach this stuff to other docs!)

 The result is the best possible version of you.


The answer is waiting for you. After entering your name and email, you'll be given instant access to this mini course that will teach you everything you need to know about your hormone + sleep connection.

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